
D-ガラクトサミン 化学構造式
C02262;D-Chondrosamine;D-GALACTOSAMINE;d-2-amino-2-deoxygalactose;D-Galactose, 2-amino-2-deoxy-;(2R,3R,4R,5R)-2-Amino-3,4,5,6-tetrahydroxyhexanal
MOL File:

D-ガラクトサミン 物理性質

融点 :
185 °C
沸点 :
532.5±50.0 °C(Predicted)
比重(密度) :
1.491±0.06 g/cm3(Predicted)
貯蔵温度 :
under inert gas (nitrogen or Argon) at 2–8 °C
  • リスクと安全性に関する声明
  • 危険有害性情報のコード(GHS)
絵表示(GHS) GHS hazard pictograms
注意喚起語 警告
コード 危険有害性情報 危険有害性クラス 区分 注意喚起語 シンボル P コード
H317 アレルギー性皮膚反応を起こすおそれ 感作性、皮膚 1 警告 GHS hazard pictograms P261, P272, P280, P302+P352,P333+P313, P321, P363, P501
H319 強い眼刺激 眼に対する重篤な損傷性/眼刺激 性 2A 警告 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P305+P351+P338,P337+P313P
P280 保護手袋/保護衣/保護眼鏡/保護面を着用するこ と。
P305+P351+P338 眼に入った場合:水で数分間注意深く洗うこと。次にコ ンタクトレンズを着用していて容易に外せる場合は外す こと。その後も洗浄を続けること。

D-ガラクトサミン 価格 もっと(2)

メーカー 製品番号 製品説明 CAS番号 包装 価格 更新時間 購入
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01MAS099675
7535-00-4 1g ¥259900 2024-03-01 購入
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01MAS099675
7535-00-4 250mg ¥66900 2020-09-21 購入

D-ガラクトサミン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法


D-ガラクトサミン.コンドロサミンともいう.ヘキソサミンの一種.D-グルコサミンについで広く天然に分布するアミノ糖で,一般に,N-アセチル誘導体として存在する.動物,植物,微生物の多糖類,とくにコンドロイチン硫酸をはじめ,多くのムコ多糖類,糖タンパク質,糖脂質の構成成分である.これらの酸加水分解のほか,合成によっても得られる.α形の塩酸塩は,分解点185 ℃.[α]D+121→+95°(水).β形の塩酸塩は分解点187 ℃.[α]D+44.5→+95°(水).還元糖,アミノ糖としての一般的性質を示す.フェニルヒドラジンによってアミノ基を失い,ガラクトサゾンを与える.エルソン-モルガン法によって検出,定量される.


Galactosamine is a model hepatotoxicant, induces hepatitis characterized by neutrophilic infiltration, and kills the animal by fulminant hepatic failure. Galactosamine, an amino derivative of sugar galactose, has been used as a model hepatotoxicant since the first reports of hepatotoxicity in late 1970s by Keppler and associates. Galactosamine-induced hepatitis has been a model of choice to study various aspects of liver disease, including mechanisms of toxicant-induced apoptosis and necrosis, liver tissue repair, neutrophil infiltration and transmigration, and the role of endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in initiating liver injury.
Humans and animals synthesize galactosamine in the body. Galactosamine (a type of hexosamine) is formed when an amino group replaces one of the hydroxy groups of a sixcarbon sugar, or hexose. The human body utilizes uridine diphosphate (UDP)-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine or glucosamine as a precursor to synthesize this compound, and is most often found in the form N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (often referred to as N-acetylgalactosamine). Most importantly, galactosamine is a constituent of hyaluronic acid, a powerful water-binding agent. Many different types of tissues in human body contain hyaluronic acid, which acts as a lubricating agent in the synovial fluid of joints and in connective tissues. Hyaluronic acid also acts as a lubricating agent in the vitreous humor of the eyeball. Hyaluronic acid has considerable medicinal value; it is often used in wound healing, burn dressings, osteoarthritis treatment, cataract or corneal transplantation surgery, and various types of plastic surgeries.


ChEBI: The pyranose form of D-galactosamine.

Toxicity evaluation

Galactosamine induces liver injury by interfering with the uridine pool in the cell, which is essential for RNA and protein synthesis. Galactosamine ismetabolized via the Leloir pathway of galactose metabolism, which leads to the generation of uridine derivatives of galactosamine. The two enzymes of the Leloir pathway, galactokinase and UDP-galactose uridyltransferase, convert galactosamine into galactosamine-1-phosphate and UDP-galactosamine, respectively,due to their lowsubstrate specificity.UDPgalactosamine blocks the final enzyme in Leloir pathway, the UDP-galactose-40 epimerase, resulting in the accumulation of UDP-galactosamine in the cells. This results in the depletion of uridine triphosphate (UTP), UDP, uridine monophosphate (UMP), and the sugar derivative of uridine such as UDP-glucose and UDP-galactose essential for RNA and protein synthesis. Orotate, a precursor of the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway, has been used as an antidote to galactosamine toxicity.

D-ガラクトサミン 上流と下流の製品情報



D-ガラクトサミン 生産企業

Global( 26)Suppliers
名前 電話番号 電子メール 国籍 製品カタログ 優位度
Jinan Carbotang Biotech Co.,Ltd.
figo.gao@foxmail.com China 7154 58
Wuhan Fortuna Chemical Co., Ltd
info@fortunachem.com China 6000 58
Aikon International Limited 025-66113011 13155353615
qzhang@aikonchem.com China 15396 58
Jinan Kabotang Biological Technology Co.,Ltd. 0531-61320525 15866703830
495745175@qq.com China 6716 58
Shanghai Haohong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 4008210725 4008210725
malulu@leyan.com China 55023 58
Hangzhou Jinghao Biotechnology Co., LTD 17513242016 17513242016
1576861551@qq.com China 1266 58
Hubei Guangao Biotechnology Co., Ltd 027-027-59223056 18162699093
1208480011@qq.com China 9951 58
Hubei Wande Chemical Co., Ltd 027-59210159 15377098680
1148280011@qq.com China 9994 58
Wuhan Fortuna Chemical Co., Ltd 027-027-59207852 13308628970
buy@fortunachem.com China 2645 58


  • 7535-00-4
  • d-2-amino-2-deoxygalactose
  • C02262
  • D-Chondrosamine
  • (2R,3R,4R,5R)-2-Amino-3,4,5,6-tetrahydroxyhexanal
  • D-Galactose, 2-amino-2-deoxy-
  • (+)-D-ガラクトサミン
  • ガラクトサミン
  • 2-アミノ-2-デオキシ-D-ガラクトース
  • コンドロサミン
  • D-ガラクトサミン
  • (2R,3R,4R,5R)-2-アミノ-3,4,5,6-テトラヒドロキシヘキサナール
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